P-type Solar Cells or N-type Solar Cells: What Technology to Choose?

· PV Technology News,PV Industry News,About Solar Panels



1.Development History of Photovoltaic Cell Technology

2.Fundamental Differences between N-Type and P-Type Solar Cells

3.How to choose between N-type and P-type solar cells?

4.How to identify if your solar cell is P-type or N-type?

5.Market Trends and Future Development Prospects


Development History of Photovoltaic Cell Technology

The development of photovoltaic cells has followed three technological routes: BSF cells, PERC cells, and N-type cells. Before 2015, aluminum back surface field (BSF) cells were the dominant technology, with a market share exceeding 90%. After 2015, with the continuous reduction in the cost of monocrystalline silicon, the improvement of cell efficiency, and the rapid progress of domestic equipment production, PERC cells quickly gained market share. By 2020, several companies increased their investment in N-type cells, which have since become the new direction for photovoltaic cell technology.

Development Bottlenecks of P-type Cells

  1. The theoretical conversion efficiency limit of P-type monocrystalline silicon PERC cells is 24.5%, making it difficult for P-type PERC cells to achieve significant further efficiency improvements.
  2. P-type PERC technology involves passivating the back side of the crystalline silicon cell, requiring electrons to diffuse over a longer distance to pass through laser grooved areas and reach the aluminum electrode. As a result, defects and impurities lead to more pronounced light-induced degradation (LID).
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Challenges for Commercial Mass Production of N-type Cells

  1. While N-type cells achieve higher conversion rates, they also demand more advanced manufacturing processes, inevitably increasing production costs. Reducing the production costs of N-type cells is one of the major challenges that cell manufacturers must overcome.
  2. Compared to P-type cells, the industrial chain for N-type cells is still not fully developed. To enable large-scale mass production of N-type cells, it is crucial to accelerate the improvement of supporting infrastructure.
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Fundamental Differences between N-Type and P-Type Solar Cells

Differences between N-type and P-type solar cells on a fundamental level

The silicon wafer used in a typical crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cell has been chemically doped to increase power output. The quantity of electrons is the primary distinction between P-type and N-type solar cells. The silicon wafer of a P-type cell is frequently doped with boron, which has one less electron than silicon and makes the cell positively charged. Phosphorus is used to dope N-type cells, which have one more electron than silicon and are therefore negatively charged.

What are N-type and P-type Solar Panels?

N-type Solar Cells

N-type solar cells are produced using a variety of methods, such as TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact), HJT (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer), PERT/PERL (Passivated Emitter Rear Totally Diffused/Passivated Emitter Rear Locally Diffused), IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact), and others, using N-type silicon wafers as their raw material. Phosphorus doping of the wafer results in a negatively charged bulk c-si area in an N-type solar panel. Due to boron doping, the top emitter layer of the device is negatively charged.

P-type Solar Cells

P-type solar cells are typically produced utilizing the classic Al-BSF (Aluminum Back Surface Field) and PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Contact) technologies from P-type silicon wafers as their raw material. Due to boron doping, the bulk c-si region of p-type solar panels has a noticeable negative charge. Due to phosphorus doping, the top emitter layer of the device is positively charged. Marketers more frequently employ PERC.

In summary, the main differences between N-type and P-type monocrystalline silicon wafers are:

  1. Different conductivity: N-type uses electron conductivity, while P-type uses hole conductivity.
  2. Different doping elements: N-type monocrystalline silicon is doped with phosphorus, while P-type is doped with boron.
solar panels


How to choose between N-type and P-type solar cells?

1. Pros & Cons

2. Date sheet


When choosing photovoltaic cells, both N-type and P-type cells have their respective advantages and disadvantages. N-type cells excel in efficiency, lifespan, and environmental adaptability, making them suitable for high-temperature and high-irradiation scenarios. However, their higher material costs and more complex manufacturing processes may limit widespread market adoption. On the other hand, P-type cells, with their lower costs and mature technology, still hold a significant position in most conventional applications.

Choosing the most suitable cell type based on specific application needs and budget will be key to achieving efficient power generation in a photovoltaic system.


How to identify if your solar cell is P-type or N-type?

Identifying Your Solar Panel Type

There are several ways to determine whether your solar panel is N-type or P-type:

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  • N-type modules have an N-type silicon base, with a P-type silicon layer on the top surface, making the top surface the positive electrode and the bottom surface the negative electrode.
  • P-type modules have a P-type silicon base, with an N-type silicon layer on the top surface, making the top surface the negative electrode and the bottom surface the positive electrode.

1. Check the direction of the busbars on the front of the photovoltaic module

  • By observing the busbars soldered on the top and bottom surfaces of the photovoltaic module and the direction they are aligned, you can distinguish the cell type.

2. Look at the positive and negative markings on the junction box at the back of the photovoltaic module

  • Identify whether the busbar wires from the solar cells are connected to the positive or negative terminals.

Additionally, you can:

  • Check the solar panel’s datasheet or documentation: The cell type should be listed.
  • Look at the panel's model or name: P-type panels often have "P" in the name, while N-type panels may have "N."
  • Contact the manufacturer: Inquire directly about the cell type used in the model.
  • Measure the thickness of the cells: P-type cells tend to be thicker than N-type cells.


Market Trends and Future Development Prospects

As of 2024, there is a notable shift in the market share between N-type and P-type solar cells in the photovoltaic market. Traditionally, P-type cells, especially those using PERC technology, have dominated the market. However, with the rise of N-type technologies such as TOPCon and HJT, this landscape is rapidly changing.

The advantages of N-type cells, including higher efficiency and better performance under high temperature and low light conditions, have contributed to their increasing market share. In 2023, N-type cells accounted for approximately 30% of production, and this figure is expected to continue rising in the coming years. Analysts predict that N-type cells could surpass P-type cells between 2025 and 2026. As the cost and efficiency of N-type cells improve, the market share of P-type PERC cells is likely to decline, with the possibility of them being phased out entirely.


Since 2008, Maysun Solar has been dedicated to producing high-quality photovoltaic modules. Our range of solar panels, including IBC, HJT, TOPCon panels, and balcony solar stations, are manufactured using advanced technology and offer excellent performance and guaranteed quality. Maysun Solar has successfully established offices and warehouses in many countries and built long-term partnerships with top installers! For the latest quotes on solar panels or any photovoltaic-related inquiries, please contact us. We are committed to serving you, and our products provide reliable assurance.


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