Building a sustainable future: the remarkable collaboration between Maik Kelm and Maysun Solar

· About Solar Panels

In the renewable energy industry, collaboration and innovation are the driving forces that will shape the future of sustainability. Today, we are pleased to share the story of an inspiring collaboration between renowned German solar installer Maik Kelm and leading solar module manufacturer Maysun Solar. Together they have embarked on an extraordinary journey to deliver superior solar solutions and contribute to a cleaner, brighter world.

Maysun Solar and Maik Kelm

Known for their expertise and proficiency in solar installations, Maik Kelm has joined forces with Maysun Solar, an industry-leading supplier of superior quality and innovative solar modules. Their partnership combines Maik's in-depth knowledge and experience with Maysun Solar's commitment to providing reliable and efficient solar solutions. Together, they are helping businesses and households make the transition to sustainable energy.

Maysun Solar and Maik Kelm

Maik Kelm installation with TWISUN products

Maysun Solar's 410W TWISUN double-glazed all-black solar panels are known for their outstanding power generation capacity, durability and reliability. These solar panels deliver a consistent output of clean electricity in any installation environment, paving the way for a greener future. Whether installed on flat roofs, residential buildings or commercial premises, they effectively convert solar energy into usable electricity, providing a continuous and renewable energy supply for users. Maik Kelm's installation expertise ensures that these solar panels are optimally placed on flat roofs across Germany, thus realising their full potential for capturing sunlight and generating electricity.

Twisun 390W--410W Double Glass Full Black PV module PERC 210mm 120cells

Click on the image for more product details

What it means for businesses and communities

The impact of this collaboration extends far beyond the roofs on which the solar panels are installed. By using Maysun Solar's advanced technology, Maik Kelm enables businesses and homes to access reliable, efficient and clean energy. This shift has resulted in significant economic benefits in terms of lower energy costs and increased energy independence. In addition, by harnessing solar energy, carbon emissions are reduced, creating a healthier environment and a more sustainable future for all.

A joint achievement of partners

Legg Mason Solar's 410W TWISUN double-glazed all-black solar panels have won accolades for their superior performance, durability and reliability. These cutting-edge modules embody innovative developments in solar technology, ensuring a stable and continuous supply of clean energy. By installing these panels on a flat roof, Maik Kelm not only helps businesses achieve energy efficiency, but also transforms communities into beacons of sustainability.

Mason Solar's 410W TWISUN

Towards a sustainable future

The collaboration between Maik Kelm and Maysun Solar exemplifies the power of partnerships in driving the renewable energy revolution. Through their combined expertise and dedication, they are enabling businesses and households to adopt clean and sustainable energy solutions.

Maysun Solar remains committed to providing customers with the highest quality photovoltaic modules to drive the development of sustainable energy solutions. We sincerely thank Maik Kelm for his cooperation and trust. As we move towards a greener future, let us celebrate the remarkable achievements of this partnership and work together to create a world powered by solar energy.

Join us on a journey towards a sustainable future where every ray of sunlight becomes a source of hope and progress. Together, let's unlock the immense potential of solar energy to create a brighter, cleaner world!

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