Why Are 1/3 Cut Solar Panels More Suitable for High-Temperature Environments Than Half-Cut Solar Panels?

· PV Technology News,About Solar Panels

Table of Contents


2.Design principles of three-cut and half-cut photovoltaic modules

3.Performance comparison of three-cut and half-cut photovoltaic modules in high-temperature environments

4.Synergy between multi-busbar technology and three-cut modules



In the field of solar photovoltaics, the efficiency and stability of modules are crucial factors determining the amount of electricity generated. With technological advancements, the design of photovoltaic modules has been continuously optimized. 1/3 cut and half-cut solar panels, due to their different current and voltage characteristics, exhibit significant performance differences in high-temperature environments. This article will explore why 1/3 cut solar panels generate more power than half-cut panels in such conditions.

Photovoltaic modules convert solar energy into electrical energy through the photoelectric effect. In this process, the current in the module affects its operating temperature. The higher the current, the greater the resistance losses, leading to a more significant increase in the module's operating temperature. Additionally, the operating temperature of the module affects its power output losses. Generally, the higher the operating temperature of a photovoltaic module, the greater its power losses. Therefore, the current of the module has a significant impact on its power output, with higher current leading to greater power losses.


Design Principles of Three-Cut and Half-Cut Photovoltaic Modules

1.Design Principles of Half-Cut Modules

Half-cut photovoltaic modules use laser technology to cut traditional solar cells into two equal parts along the centerline. The core purpose of this design is to reduce the current density within the cells, thereby minimizing resistive (I²R) losses. Each half-cut cell carries only 50% of the current compared to a full cell, which reduces heat generation caused by current flow. In high-temperature environments, lower current levels help reduce heat buildup in the module, resulting in improved efficiency and more stable power output.

2.Design Principles of Three-Cut Modules

Three-cut modules further divide each cell into three equal parts, reducing the current to one-third of that in a full cell. Compared to half-cut designs, the three-cut technology allows for more precise current management. Each three-cut cell carries only one-third of the original cell's current, significantly lowering resistive losses. This design performs better under high-temperature conditions, especially in reducing the occurrence of hot spots and mitigating power loss caused by temperature rise.


Performance Comparison of 1/3 Cut and Half-Cut Solar Panels in High-Temperature Environments

With the continuous advancement of photovoltaic technology, three-cut and half-cut photovoltaic modules each exhibit unique characteristics in terms of design and performance. High-temperature environments significantly impact the performance of photovoltaic modules. The following comparison will provide a detailed analysis of current and voltage characteristics, resistive losses, temperature rise, power loss, and annual power generation loss.

1. Current and Voltage Characteristics:

1/3 Cut Solar Panels:

  • With the three-cut design, each cell has a lower current and a higher voltage. For example, the Twisun Pro (TOPCon) three-cut module has a rated power of 430W, an operating current of 9.96A, and an output voltage of 43.2V. The higher voltage output helps reduce power loss in high-temperature conditions, thereby improving overall power generation efficiency.

Half-Cut Solar Panels:

  • With the half-cut design, the cells carry higher current and lower voltage. For other TOPCon half-cut modules on the market with a rated power of 430W, the current is 13.49A, and the output voltage is 31.88V. While this design may increase instantaneous power output in certain situations, in high-temperature environments, the higher current can lead to a drop in voltage, thereby affecting power generation efficiency.
current of 1/3 cut panel and half-cut panel

2. Resistance Losses:

Higher current results in greater heat loss due to resistance. Resistance loss Pres can be calculated using the formula Pres=I2×R

Assuming the resistance R is the same for both types of panels, the current in half-cut panels (13.49A) is higher than that in 1/3 cut panels (9.96A), leading to greater resistance loss.

Resistance Loss Calculation:

  • 1/3 Cut Panel:

Current I=9.96A

Resistance Loss Pres=I2×R=9.962×R=99.2R

  • Half-Cut Panel:

Current I=13.49A

Resistance Loss Pres=I2×R=13.492×R=181.98R

The resistance loss in half-cut panels is approximately 1.83 times that of 1/3 cut panels.

reisistant losses of 1/3 cut panel & half-cut panel

3.Temperature Rise

The increase in temperature is proportional to resistive losses. Assuming all other conditions are the same, the temperature rise in half-cut modules is 1.83 times that of three-cut modules. Due to the larger current in half-cut modules, their resistive losses are higher, leading to a more pronounced temperature increase.

In an ambient temperature of 30°C, assuming the operating temperature of a three-cut module is 60°C, the calculations can be made as follows:

  • The temperature rise for the three-cut module is:
    60°C - 30°C = 30°C
  • The temperature rise for the half-cut module is:
    30°C × 1.83 = 54.9°C
  • Therefore, the operating temperature of the half-cut module is:
    30°C + 54.9°C = 84.9°C

In summary, at an ambient temperature of 30°C, the operating temperature of a half-cut photovoltaic module is approximately 84.9°C, which is about 24.9°C higher than that of a three-cut module (60°C). This indicates that under the same environmental conditions, half-cut modules experience a more significant temperature rise due to resistive losses, which in turn impacts their overall performance.

temperature rise of 1/3 cut solar panel & half-cut solar panel

4.Power Loss

Assuming the power temperature coefficient for TOPCon modules is -0.29%/°C:

Power loss percentage:

  • For three-cut modules:
    Power loss percentage = -0.29%/°C * 30°C = -8.7%
  • For half-cut modules:
    Power loss percentage = -0.29%/°C * 54.9°C = -15.92%

With a nominal power of 430W:

  • Power loss for three-cut modules = 430W * (-8.7%) = -37.41W
  • Power loss for half-cut modules = 430W * (-15.92%) = -68.456W
  • Additional power loss percentage for half-cut modules compared to three-cut modules = (68.456W - 37.41W) / 430W = 7.22%

Due to the higher current (13.49A) in the half-cut photovoltaic modules, which results in a higher temperature rise (54.9°C), they experience greater power loss. According to the calculations, half-cut photovoltaic modules lose about 31.046 watts more power compared to three-cut modules at 60°C, which translates to an additional 7.22% power loss.

power loss

5.Annual Power Generation Loss

Assuming a 10kW TOPCon photovoltaic power station with an average sunlight duration of 4 hours per day, a system efficiency of 85%, and operating for 365 days a year:

The power loss in half-cut photovoltaic modules compared to three-cut modules is 31.046 watts.

The annual power generation loss can be calculated as:
Annual power loss = 31.046W × 4 hours/day × 365 days × 0.001 = 45.33 kWh

This results in an annual loss of approximately 45.33 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, which is equivalent to the energy consumed by a typical household using a microwave for a year.

The table above clearly demonstrates the performance differences between three-cut and two-cut photovoltaic modules in high-temperature environments. The three-cut module shows superior performance in terms of current, voltage, and power loss, exhibiting better adaptability and economic benefits under high-temperature conditions. When selecting the appropriate type of photovoltaic module, it is essential to consider these performance indicators comprehensively to ensure the long-term reliability and efficiency of the photovoltaic system.


Other Performance Indicators Comparison

In addition to the performance comparison in terms of current, voltage, resistance, temperature, and power, the following table will provide a more comprehensive view of other key performance indicators for three-cut and two-cut photovoltaic modules in high-temperature environments. This will offer a broader reference for your decision-making process.


Synergy between Multi-Busbar Technology and Three-Cut Design

In modern photovoltaic technology, three-cut modules demonstrate excellent power generation performance, especially in high-temperature environments, thanks to their unique design combined with multi-busbar (MBB) technology. With the integration of 210mm silicon wafers, the three-cut technology further enhances the potential of the modules, driving the growth of the photovoltaic market.

Advantages of Three-Cut Technology

Three-cut technology involves laser-cutting large-size cells into three smaller pieces, significantly boosting module power and efficiency. The specific advantages are as follows:

  • Improved Power Generation Efficiency: The three-cut design reduces current and power losses for each cell. Compared to full-sized cells, the voltage remains unchanged, but the power and current are reduced, which decreases shading and hot spot losses. This design enables the module to maintain high power generation capacity even under unfavorable conditions.
  • Reduced Heat and Temperature Loss: Due to more uniform current distribution, the internal current and losses in three-cut modules are minimized, resulting in a lower operating temperature—about 1.6°C lower than conventional modules. This significantly reduces the risk of hot spots and decreases the likelihood of module failure.
  • Enhanced Packaging Efficiency: Three-cut modules experience lower packaging losses than conventional modules, typically around 0.2%. The lower current characteristics minimize losses during the encapsulation process, improving overall efficiency.
  • Better Shade Management: The unique parallel and series structure of three-cut modules enhances their resistance to shading. Even under partial shading, three-cut modules can effectively reduce power loss, improving overall system performance.

Support from Multi-Busbar (MBB) Technology

The advantages of three-cut technology are further enhanced by the synergy with multi-busbar (MBB) technology. By increasing the number of busbars, MBB shortens the current conduction distance across the cell, reducing resistive losses. This design brings the following benefits:

  • Enhanced Power Output: With more busbars, the light absorption area of the cell is increased, boosting power generation capacity. Additionally, the shorter current conduction path significantly reduces internal losses.
  • Improved Reliability: Multi-busbar modules are more resistant to microcracks, with significantly lower power degradation compared to conventional modules, especially in high-temperature environments.
  • Cost Reduction: Although MBB technology requires higher precision equipment and advanced soldering capabilities, it reduces the amount of silver paste used, effectively controlling costs. The increased power output also offsets the additional material costs.

By combining three-cut and multi-busbar technologies, the power generation performance of three-cut modules in high-temperature environments is greatly improved. This combination not only enhances efficiency and reliability but also effectively reduces manufacturing and operational costs. As the demand for efficient and stable products grows in the photovoltaic market, three-cut modules will undoubtedly become a key direction in the future development of photovoltaic technology.


In conclusion, 1/3 cut solar panels demonstrate significant advantages over half-cut solar panels in high-temperature environments. This is primarily due to their lower current, which results in reduced resistance loss and temperature rise. Conversely, half-cut panels, with their higher current, experience greater resistance loss and temperature rise, thereby increasing power losses and ultimately impacting overall electricity generation efficiency. In practical applications, especially in high-temperature conditions, opting for 1/3 cut solar panels can significantly enhance the overall electricity generation and stability of the system. Therefore, for photovoltaic systems operating in high-temperature conditions, 1/3 cut solar panels are undoubtedly the more ideal choice.

It is worth noting that Maysun Solar's Twisun Pro is an outstanding performer among 1/3 cut panels. Twisun Pro features excellent characteristics with a low current of 10A, showcasing exceptional electricity generation performance even in high-temperature environments, while minimizing power thermal losses to the maximum extent. Additionally, the low current helps mitigate potential risks such as fire hazards due to excessive temperature rise. Choosing Twisun Pro ensures that your photovoltaic system operates efficiently and reliably under various climatic conditions. This choice not only enhances overall electricity generation efficiency but also provides longer-term reliability and safety for your energy system.


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